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Deepak Thakur

Less rainfall to impact indian agriculture

The rural part of india mainly depends on agriculture and for this normal rainfall is neccessary for better production of crops. Skymet, a weather forecast company indicates a less rainfall this year due to El Nino phenomenon to hit the pacific ocean. El Nino is the phenomena in which pacific ocean warms above normal temperature thus direct impact on indian monsoon. The normal monsoon defines between 93%-104% but india to get normal monsoon in the month of august-september when effect of El Nino will start to decay. El Nino defines as a climate pattern that describes the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. El Nino is the “warm phase” of a larger phenomenon called the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

The rural india is the heart of india and for survival of rural villages agriculture is a prime source of income. But due to less rainfall and delayed implementation of government scheme ruined the life of farmers. Recently, various schemes on farmers help them but still it's to far for them to live a happy life. In 2018, india escaped to from a drought which is likely to come this year in the starting month of monsoon where 15% of monsoon is predicted. Starting months of monsoon are crucial for kharif crops and that to is difficult for farmers due to less rainfall.

The rural india is the heart of india and for survival of rural villages agriculture is a prime source of income. But due to less and delayed implementation of government scheme ruined the life of farmers. Recently, various schemes on farmers help them but still it's to far for them to live a happy life. In 2018, india escaped to from a drought which is likely to come this year in the starting month of monsoon where 15% of monsoon is predicted. Starting months of monsoon are crucial for kharif crops and that to is difficult for farmers due to less rainfall.

Though india has minimum share in agriculture with respect to GDP but it has a large number of dependents on agriculture. In the recent times many schemes like MSP (minimum support price) PMFBY, PMKSY, e-Nam helps farmers a lot and thus timely and transparent implementation of schemes will help farmers to recover from financial burden soon.

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